Thursday, May 24, 2018

Alarm codes for nissei injection molding machine NC8000

Understanding Alarm Codes


Stephen said...

Hi. I hv Nissei FS210 and itd control is NC-8000F. I hv problem when the controller on, the display said "t t t t t t". How should i do? Reset it? How to reset the controller? Please, need help. Thank you

Admin said...

Dear Stephen

I have same problem with my nc8300, we solve the error by replacing the lithium battery on the module and replace the fuse on power supply.

Dandy said...

Kami punya masalah dg nisei nc8000f .setia jalan 2 short. Short ke3 ngk mau clamping .dan muncul kode Alarm 4125.bagai mana cara mengatasi.trims

Stephen said...

Dear Admin,

Thank you so much for your help. As i inspected, that day there was a short circuit in the input terminal socket so that we cant reset the controller. Now, all is normal already. And yourbsuggestion to replace the battery, we already replaced it 1 month ago and there is no possibikity that the battery running low. Anyway, thank you for your idea.

Dear Unknown,

Look from your error 4125, please check your high pressure clamping proximity switch. Is the proximity light still on or is there any short circuit or no output current from the proximity switch when the clamping already in high pressure state.

Unknown said...

Stephen: my NC8000 show 00000 numbers in médium size on the display and the Little display upper the rabbet in which insert the key card is off

could you please help me with the diagnosis

I Will appreciatte your help

Puneet said...

Nissei NC8000 do not have 5 digit code display, only 4, 0000 is optimal condition for running. if your are using NC8300 controller let me know. send me email via through contact form. i will reply.

Lyon said...

I am getting sq35 fault and the pump will not run.
How do I reset?

Puneet said...

which model?? please mention model also

Unknown said...

NC 8000 controller does not power on, ~3V coming from 5v power supply. Backup battery is 4 years old. When press is powered down, backup battery has ~3v. I'm guessing power supply but wanted other suggestions as well.

Unknown said...

Hi. We have Nissei FS210 and itd control is NC-8000F. We problem when the controller on, the display said "t t t t t t". How should i do? Reset it? How to reset the controller? We already change new battery lithium the monitor same error'
Please,need help,

Puneet said...

Press and Hold Alarm button and Power On your PLC. Hold the button till ram cleared is displayed.

Prem sharma said...

Hi we have use nc8000 my m/c mould open problem manual,semi,auto 24 vollt not coming open valve

Bilal saeed said...

I have nissei nc8000 120 t.
Problem is that its injection time and cooling time was not in milli seconds.means when i set the the time 1.0 sec it counts 10 seconds when i set 0.1 it counts 1 seconds.
Please guide me how i resolve this problem

Alcape said...

Hello, I have a Nissei with NC8300 control.
When I start the control it gives me error 5212 and does not allow any operation.
I tried to start the control with the RESET button pressed but no results.
Can you help me?

Alarm codes for nissei injection molding machine NC8000

Understanding Alarm Codes